No two patients are alive, and recovery varies somewhat based on the complexity of the knee reconstruction, and the patient’s health, fitness, and level of motivation.
Most people walk using crutches or a walker for 2-3 weeks, then use a cane for about 2-3 more weeks, sometime between one and two months post-operatively most patients are able to walk without assistive devices.
Most patients obtain and keep at least 90 degrees of motion (bending the knee to a right angle) by the second week after surgery, and most patients ultimately get more than 110 degrees of knee motion.
Most patients can return to sedentary (desk) jobs by about 4-6weeks, return to more physical types of employment must be addressed on a case-by-case basis.
Most patients are back to full activities—without the pain they had before surgery—by about three months after the operation.
Patients Response after Knee or Hip Replacement Surgery
posted by sam
October 22, 2016